Environmental monitoring software


Streamline-ENV© - Statistical Analysis

With a few clicks of your mouse create statistical summaries of your data and save the results in a variety of formats. Even save the statistical analysis as an HTML web page that can be viewed on your web site.
  • Analyst can quickly generate statistical summaries for an entire data file or parse a file and generate statistics by month, week, or day.
  • Invalid data values including those flagged with the QA/QC utility are automatically removed during the analysis to accurately calculate the statistics.
  • Randomly select parameters to be included/excluded from the analysis.
  • Statistical summaries are created in a presentation-ready format and may also be saved to PDF, HTML web page, or Rich Text Format (WORD).
  • Follow this link to visit a National Museum of Natural History web site that posts statistical analysis reports generated by Streamline-ENV in both PDF and HTMl format. From the home page of the web site, select the '2006 Weather Statistics' from the table of contents to access the reports.

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