Environmental monitoring software


Streamline-ENV© - Smart Shortcuts

To further enhance file management and access, StreamLine-ENV supports "shortcuts" which are utilized in the same manner as a link to a favorite web page.
  • Shortcuts are displayed in a tree structure as a hierarchical list of nodes as shown in the figure to the right. There are two type of shortcuts: Folder and Chart shortcuts.
  • A shortcut to a folder functions in the same fashion as a 'link' in a web browser except that a shortcut in Analyst opens the folder defined by the link and refreshes the content of the file listing.
  • Shortcuts can be created for any folder where data files are stored allowing you to move quickly from one directory to another without having to navigate the directory structure of standard 'File Open' and 'File Save' dialog boxes.
  • Quickly organize your file archives by project, deployment location or other criteria.
  • Access to the shortcut list is provided even when uploading files from a sonde so you may direct the files directly to a specific project folder and instantly open the files.
  • Establish a shortcut for any chart created in Analyst.
  • A chart shortcut redisplays the graph stored in the link and resets the visual appearance of the chart to the state when the link was created.

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