Bathymetric Survey and Water Quality Mapping System

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Streamline-GEO© - Overview

Streamline-GEO is a hydrographic and water quality mapping system that interfaces with NMEA GPS devices, YSI sondes, Airmar SmartSensors, and Turner Field Fluorometers (10-AU-005-CE) to create a unique environmental survey system.   Streamline-GEO makes it easy to perform bathymetry surveys, outfall mapping (temperature, wastewater), dye studies, vertical profiles and 3D mapping in reservoirs, rivers, lakes and coastal regions.

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CapableBathymetric survey capability to 300 feet using Airmar Smart(TM) Sensor transducers (optional) or use with any NMEA compatible sounder or GPS/Sounder combo systems. Water quality survey limited to sonde depth rating (typically 200 feet, "D" models up to 600 feet).
FlexibleUse on platforms ranging from seagoing vessels to small personal watercraft. Easily goes from deep water to small shallow tributaries.
EfficientSingle person operation and real time QA/QC minimizes acquisition and post-data processing efforts. Survey in Thailand tributary (see figure below, right) completed by a single person in less than 3 hours.
AffordablePrices starting below $2000!
  • Low-cost, easy to use water quality and bathymetric mapping survey system
  • Simultaneously acquire water quality, hydrographic (bathymetry) and GPS data
  • Interfaces to Turner Field Fluorometer (Model 10-AU-005-CE) for real-time mapping of dye dispersion (rhodamine WT) & other sensors measurements
  • Add an Airmar SmartTM Sensor transducer (235kHz, 0.5 to 100m) for hydrographic surveys
  • Works with your YSI 6-series miltiparameter water quality sondes
  • Embedded GIS and charts for real time mapping and data visualization
  • QA/QC is performed automatically during data acquisition
  • Additional processing using QA/QC features ported from Streamline-ENV
  • Customized display for vertical profiling, spatial XY surveying, spot sampling and unattended deployments
  • GPS position information used to geo-reference environmental data
  • Data is stored in standard ESRI SHAPE format for use with ESRI GIS products (ArcInfoTM, ArcGISTM).
  • Extremely adaptable, Streamline-GEO may be used on large ocean-going vessels or even personal watercraft.
  • Compatible with NMEA GPS devices (Differential, WAAS, RTK)
  • Interfaces with commercial survey-grade echo sounders providing NMEA 0183 output to survey in greater depths
  • Optional towbody (depressor wing) and tow cable available for sonde mounting
Mapping Water Quality and Bathymetry in Kaper Bay with Streamline-GEO
Following the disastrous tsunami of 2004, Streamline GEO is playing a critical role in the hydrographic surveying and water quality mapping in coastal areas of Southern Thailand. Conducted by a field office supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the survey is part of the Post Tsunami Sustainable Coastal Program. The purpose of this program is to assist villages in recovery from the 2004 tsunami as well as implement disaster management plans in preparation for future emergencies. Because the topography of the coastline was so radically altered by the tidal wave, all survey data of the area taken prior to the event is erroneous, requiring new surveys to be conducted.

To illustrate Streamline-GEO's versatility, the application presented here details how a coastal tributary (5 mile survey path) was surveyed in a less than 3 hours!

A pole mount was constructed and attached to the kayak to hold the transducer, GPS and sonde (Figure 1). The operator followed a survey path that zigzagged from shore to shore as he made his way upstream and covered a linear distance of approximately 5 miles. Streamline-GEO automatically acquired data from the echo sounder, sonde and GPS and displayed the data, scaled by color, on the GIS map. The vessel location and survey track are also displayed on the GIS map. A status board shows the instantaneous water depth, geographic position, vessel speed and heading along with Quality Indicators for each parameter.

Following the survey, the data was viewed in the GIS to confirm that the automated QA/QC process removed spatial outliers. As a secondary QA/QC verification, the data sets were examined in Analyst to verify that invalid data had been properly flagged. The data sets were then exported directly to an Excel file using the Streamline's Batch Export Module and processed using a surface and contour analysis plotting application. the results of the survey are shown in the figures below.

Bathymetry data collected during the Kaper Bay survey is represented in the first two figures and water temperature in the last figure. In the first figure the data is shown as a color scaled contour map overlayed on a geo-referenced satellite image of the survey area. A 3-dimensional color-coded representation of the hydrography is shown in the second figure. The hydrographic data is used in flooding models to enhance disaster management and evacuation planning.

Water temperature data collected with the sonde is represented in the figure below as a color scaled contour map with the geo-referenced image in the background. Water temperatures are warmest water near the coastal area and decrease steadily moving upstream in the tributary. Additional analysis of environmental measurement collected with the 600XL sonde (salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen) were also performed by staff from the field office. Data from this survey is combined with data collected in coastal and offshore waters using larger motorized vessels.

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